Hardware or Host Based Firewalls

Do organizations need hardware firewalls when the network already has host-based software firewalls? Wouldn’t it add cost and complexity to networks? Wouldnt system protected by host-based software firewalls just as secure as having a hardware firewall if they are implemented appropriately? “Firewalls actually come in two distinct flavors: software applications that run in the background… Continue reading Hardware or Host Based Firewalls

Face Recognition Systems For Facility Access

Identity card issued by the employer is the typical mechanism to identify an employee. However, verifying each and every card presented by personnel requires a dedicated person or an automated system. Credentials, such as an identity card, are more effectively verified using an automated system. However, most of the verification systems are incapable of verifying… Continue reading Face Recognition Systems For Facility Access

Fraud Using Facebook

Ever found your bank statements on Facebook? How about your health records and business plans? That’s what happened to a friend-of-friend of mine. My friend found her friend’s family pictures, health records, business plans and bank statements on Facebook. The friend-of-friend engaged me to help her out from this as she had no clue how… Continue reading Fraud Using Facebook

Risk Based Authentication

The technique that uses both contextual and historical user information along with data supplied during an internet transaction to assess the probability of whether a user interaction is authentic or not is called risk based authentication. Traditional username and password along with information such as who the user is, from where the user is logging… Continue reading Risk Based Authentication

Biometrics Authentication

Passwords and personal identification numbers (PIN) are information that we need to remember since the day we started interacting with digital systems. Do we know the count of passwords we need to remember? Do we know if we forgot a password already? Some of these passwords also known as passphrase are long to remember that… Continue reading Biometrics Authentication

Authentication – Level of Assurance

Authentication is the process of confirming an entity’s identity based on reliable credentials. The process and the technology involved in authentication varies with various level of assurance required from the entity. Authentication Level of Assurance can be defined as the authentication strength required for a relying party to be assured that an entity is indeed… Continue reading Authentication – Level of Assurance


by Bruce Schneier In computer security, a lot of effort is spent on the authentication problem.  Whether it’s passwords, secure tokens, secret questions, image mnemonics, or something else, engineers are continually coming up with more complicated — and hopefully more secure — ways for you to prove you are who you say you are over… Continue reading Unauthentication